
Rural village life and traditions in Cambodia are little changed over the centuries. This scene in Banteay Chmar village in NW Cambodia shows palm grass being dried out in the sun and will be later sold as thatch roofing materials used on many houses in rural Cambodia. The houses in the background of this image have corrugated iron roofs and an electric supply indicating more affluence derived from visitors to the nearby temple sites.

Rural village life and traditions in Cambodia are little changed over the centuries. This scene in Banteay Chmar village in NW Cambodia shows palm grass being dried out in the sun and will be later sold as thatch roofing materials used on many houses in rural Cambodia. The houses in the background of this image have corrugated iron roofs and an electric supply indicating more affluence derived from visitors to the nearby temple sites.

Filename: 151104-154202-Cambodia-Banteay Meanchey-Banteay Chmar-Mark Chamberlain-3.jpg